Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Irrevocable Gifts
"...for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable."  Romans 11:29
This verse jumped off the page this morning.  The word gifts is plural, so not only have we been given a gift, we have received more than one.  AND it's irrevocable!
Irrevocable by definition is irreversible, unalterable, unchangeable, immutable, final, binding, permanent, and (my favorite) carved in stone.
The particular gift discussed here is the gift of mercy.  Verse 30 goes on to say, "Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy..."  Mercy that is irreversible, final, carved in stone.  I am going to be on the lookout for a stone that has the word MERCY engraved on it.  I never want to forget or take for granted the gift God has given me.  I was disobedient to God and He gave me a gift in return?  Yes.  Yes he did--undeserved mercy. 
Alongside mercy is His call.  Again, irrevocable, final, carved in stone.  I attended a Beth Moore conference a few weeks ago.  I received confirmation of the Lords' call on my life to teach others through writing (along with being a Godly wife and mother).  Since that time I have started this blog and hopefully someone has benefited.  My audience is small, but God is in the business of multiplying.
Here's the thing...
                       "...for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable."  Romans 11:29

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