Thursday, August 14, 2014

Grab an Oar

Grab an Oar

Last Sunday morning, before church, I had my usual quiet time with the Lord.  I didn't know what to read or pray.  I felt an old familiar sadness rolling in.  I am not an artist, but I drew a picture of myself in a rowboat with the oars floating off in the distance, out of reach.  I wasn't sure exactly what this was about, but it's how I felt.  I closed my eyes and held up my arms, with open hands, in total surrender to the Lord.  I would like to say that the sadness immediately went away, but that did not happen.  It lingered, as it often does.
I spoke to my mom on the phone later that day and she said she has started praying for me to find my niche, my ministry, here in Colleyville.  I hadn't told her about what I drew.  I was relieved and grateful for her prayers because I know what kind of power is be behind a praying mom.  I've experienced it firsthand with my own kids.  Later in the conversation I did tell her about the picture I drew and tried to explain some of what I was feeling.
Today I read in Sparkling Gems From the Greek by Rick Renner the following:
The bottom of the boat may not be the most pleasurable place to be.  Serving day in and day out may seem monotonous and almost boring at times.  But sticking with the vision and continuing to row will eventually produce eternal results for the Kingdom of God! So surrender to the plan of God, take your place in the ship, grab an oar, and start rowing!  If you want to get to your destination more quickly, put your whole heart and soul into rowing that boat.
JOY is what I feel today!  I feel it like I haven't in a very long time.  I know it can only come from the Lord.
God is beginning to blow the gentle breeze of direction.  It's up to me to grab an oar and start rowing.  His wind will carry me exactly where I need to be.

Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men"

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