Day 3-First day to visit Jubilee School.
What I did not see today were luxury cars, manicured lawns or nice houses. What I did not see today was an orderly drop off line, perfectly clean and pressed uniforms, or a beautiful campus. No frantic stay at home moms or professional dads.
What I did see today on the bus ride to Jubilee was rush hour traffic with no order and motorcycles weaving in and out of buses and trucks. The biggest vehicle goes first and a honk precedes each movement of every car on the jam packed road. I saw trash in the streets and smog in the air. I saw starving dogs and people digging through garbage for food. I saw bars on windows and military police stationed randomly throughout the city. Somehow, this made me feel safe.
Arrival at the school involves a person getting out to open a large solid metal gate. The school is accessed through a steep cement driveway. The stairs leading to the school are cement and steep. The classrooms have bars on the windows except the windows have no glass. No air conditioning, no heating. I see one boy being tutored—outside.
Our first stop at the school was during daily praise and worship at 8:00am. We stood at the back of the room filled with children---everyone standing, no chairs. I notice the paint peeling from the cinder block walls and the squeaky sound of the two ceiling fans.
Worship begins with Emily playing her guitar. The songs are in Spanish, but it doesn’t matter. The words are projected on the wall, so we all sing. The feeling I have is almost indescribable. I am moved to tears as the Holy Spirit fills the room. Our surroundings did not matter. How we got there did not matter. The fact that we are brothers and sisters in Christ matter and we are worshipping our God together with these precious children.
I witnessed my son’s personal testimony of answered prayer for a little brother. I saw him smile more than I ever have. I see him answering his call to be a servant for the Lord.
The children at Jubilee live a rough life with very little of the material world. However, they are so full of joy and love. They accepted us immediately, literally with open arms. They could not give away enough hugs. I ask myself how they could be so giving. But I know the answer…….JESUS.
Romans 12:9-10 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another with brotherly affection in showing honor.
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